2020 Legatum Prosperity Index: Mauritius is the most Prosperous country in Africa

Article Published on December 22, 2020

The Legatum Institute’s 2020 Prosperity Index (the “Index") aims at providing a comprehensive analysis of the Prosperity level- a multifaceted concept that takes into account both social and economic wellbeing -through 12 pillars encapsulated under three essential domains namely:
• Inclusive Societies
• Open Economies
• Empowered People

As countries continue to make their way through and out of the pandemic, the index serves as a guide in assessing the status of well-being across 167 nations.

Despite remaining the continent with the weakest performing of all seven regions defined in the report, Sub-Saharan Africa has shown major progress since 2010. Mauritius ranks 44th globally while simultaneously positioning itself as the country with the highest level of prosperity in Africa cumulating favourable performance across three pillars- Safety and Security (41st), Governance (37th), and Investment Environment (33rd).

The full report can be accessed below:
Legatum Institute’s 2020 Prosperity Index:Here