Economic Value of Peace 2021: Mauritius ranks among top 15 most peaceful countries

Article Published on April 6, 2021

The Economic Value of Peace Report (the “Report") by the Institute for Economic and Peace (IEP) is a gauge of the economic impact of violence and conflict on the global economy. The Report aims at bringing forward the costs –direct and indirect- of violence as well as the expenditures involved to contain and prevent violence.

The study is founded on the basis that violence disrupts economies through undesirable effects such as reduced GDP, a less predictable economy, higher levels of unemployment, lower levels of foreign direct investment and higher interest and inflation. Comprehensive data from 163 countries and independent territories was gathered for this report.

Mauritius positions itself among the top 15 most peaceful countries on the official ranking. The economic impact of violence accounts for only 3 percent of the country’s GDP, which highlights the fact the Mauritius is not heavily burdened by consequences such as increased instability and inequality.

The full report can be accessed at below link:

Economic Value of Peace Report 2021: HERE