FSC signs the Marrakech Pledge

Article Published on September 27, 2019

The effects of global warming and climate change are palpable. Responsible world leaders and policy makers are now moving beyond rhetoric and are joining forces to fight the effects of climate change. Several coalitions have been set up to foster green initiatives geared at driving sustainable economic development - one of them being the Marrakech Pledge.

On 6 September 2019, the Financial Services Commission (FSC) became a signatory to the Marrakech Pledge which is a continental coalition of African Capital Markets Regulators and Exchanges committed to act collectively in favor of fostering Green Capital Markets in Africa, and enabling an effective shift towards low carbon economy while energizing a strong sustainable and inclusive growth dynamics in the region. Moreover, it was also announced that the FSC has set up a Task Force focused on the development of strategies for sustainable finance and economic growth.

The FSC’s latest initiatives demonstrate its commitment towards the crafting of a regulatory and operating ecosystem that will assist in moving the green economy forward as well as encouraging climate-resilient investments across Africa.

For more information about the Marrakech Pledge, please visit their website by clicking here