Global Mobility Report Q4 2021: Mauritius maintains 2nd spot in Africa

Article Published on December 20, 2021

Amid the travel industry struggling to rebound from the far-reaching effects of the pandemic, Henley and Partners came out with its latest Global Mobility report, where it delivered valuable insight on the latest trends for the last quarter of 2021. Although far from pre-pandemic levels, the steady rise of international flights is presenting a hopeful case for fast recovery.

At the 33rd position globally (1Q3: 31st ), Mauritius has retained its spot as having the second most travel friendly passport in Africa behind Seychelles (29th), providing visa-free/visa-on arrival access to 146 destinations.

You can access the full report, released in October, which sets out to further understand the discrepancies in travel freedom between the global north and the rest of the world here

1We communicated on the Global Mobility Q3 2021 report in our September news release. Have a look at it here